(Summer 1979) She played Pauline Krim in Jerome Kass and Billy Goldenberg's musical, "Ballroom," in a Kenley Players production at the Memorial Hall in Dayton; the Veterans Memorial Theatre in Columbus and in Akron, Ohio with Audra Lindley (Bea Asher); Arlene Fontana (Marlene); Dick O'Neill (Al Rossi); Mario Melodia (Johnny Lightfoot); Nate Barnett (Harry the Noodle); Frank Echols (Jack); Marjorie Spellacy (Helen); Paige Massman (Angie O'Hara); Don Bradford (Nathan Brickler); Jeanne Rose Stotter (Christine); Christina Stolberg; Joyce Keegan-Flynn; Lee Garrard; James Fatta; Debra Johnson; Ken Phifer; Mavourneen Sullivan; Rennie Davis; Buddy Thompson; Bob Niznik and Margaret Carlson in the cast. Michael Dansicker was conductor. Leslie B. Cutler was director. John Kenley was artistic director.