IMDb Polls

Poll: Video Games Frenzy

Which movie/episode/documentary regarding the topic video games/arcades/pinball machines is your favorite? (chronological order)

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Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    High Score (2020)

  2. Vote!

    Ready Player One (2018)

  3. Vote!

    Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)

  4. Vote!

    Pixels (2015)

  5. Vote!

    Hardcore Henry (2015)

  6. Vote!

    Atari: Game Over (2014)

  7. Vote!

    Indie Game: The Movie (2012)

  8. Vote!

    Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

  9. Vote!

    Gamer (2009)

  10. Vote!

    eXistenZ (1999)

  11. Vote!

    The Wizard (1989)

  12. Vote!

    Video-Man (1981)

  13. Vote!

    Joysticks (1983)

  14. Vote!

    Nightmares (1983)

    Chapter 2: The Bishop of Battle (Emilio Estevez fight against an evil arcade machine in a shopping mall)
  15. Vote!

    WarGames (1983)

  16. Vote!

    Tron (1982)

  17. Vote!

    Tommy (1975)

  18. Vote!

    Captain N: The Game Master (1989)

    Added September 25, 2021
  19. Vote!

    Free Guy (2021)

    Added September 25, 2021

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