We may not remember the entire movie, but we definitely remember the line and that's because they transcended the scripts they were from and became a part of us forever. This will NOT include superher…
The following film characters won major poll(s) on IMDb. Which one of these characters do you think is the best ?
Note: Only polls with 5000+ votes have been considered for this poll & Friday Face…
There's a new men's fragrance commercial and it's your task to choose one of the many ultra-manly movie characters to star in it: these guys exude the traits society has deemed as archetypal 'macho ma…
These guys below are actors who have proven their entertainment value several times. Most of them have a large fanbase. So we've chosen a cool role of everyone of them. (No superheroes) Which is your …
Which of these live action TV series characters do you think can be considered as the "Greatest TV Hero of All Time"? After voting, you may discuss the poll here. Also vote for: Greatest TV …
Which of the following famously outgoing extroverts (from movies or TV*) as chosen by our esteemed members of the IMDb Poll Board is your favorite? Exuberently share your favorite boisterous choice he…
Celebrating the 4th of July, here's a list of characters who represented a little more than the heroic side of their respective movies; they became symbols of what generally make American heroes shine…
There are endless amounts of great TV scenes, so to narrow it down the folks over at the poll board each suggested their favorites to make this list. Which do you deem to be the greatest? Discuss the …
The Robot Hall of Fame is an American hall of fame that recognizes notable robots in various scientific fields and general society, as well as achievements in robotics technology. Which one of these m…
While we all know that movies are make-believe, sometimes a shooting location becomes more convincing to us than the actual place would be. According to your imagination, which of these filming locati…
... and could pick only ONE picture for the cover, which of these 35 iconic shots, would you choose as the most defining of all the values (magic, innovation, escapism, truth, universality, entertainm…