Born in 1929 I was 8 yrs. old when I saw "Voice of Bugle Ann"
28 August 2004
I cannot begin to tell the readers how Voice of Bugle Ann affected me!

As a little girl I knew that I loved all animals, big and small. Saturdays were my day to take my 15 cent allowance and walk to downtown Binghamton (NY) to see a movie at the Strand theater. This was my every Saturday routine.

5 cents would buy my way in to see the movie and I always headed for the front four rows of seats. I spent the remaining 10 cents on as much candy as it would buy.

I guess Lionel Barrymore was like a movie "father" to me and I adored him! And when I watched Bugle Ann and saw how loving he was with his companion and how hurt he was when Bugle Ann was lost to him, I couldn't stop crying.

This movie made a lifetime impression on me of how you should love and cherish any animal that God has put in your care. You should consider them a part of your family. You should express your affection for them whenever you're together. And, it's a good thing to sit down and talk to them about the things you have on mind, even your worries. Treat them as if they were another human.

I have a Yorkie mix and we are at one another's side 24-hrs. a day.

And something that has stayed with me from the age of 8 to my current age of 75...I have NEVER forgotten the beautiful bugle of Bugle Ann. I have heard it at times when we have driven through the Everglades. But, strangest of all, I will hear it at night time. I always tell myself "that's Bugle Ann and she's telling us she's OK by bugling..."

When, of course, I know that it's really a neighbor's dog.
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