Manure Salesman makes Manure Movie
3 July 2000
This movie is as bad as it gets. It's not surprising that at least 3 actors committed suicide after making this mess. Lets look at the elements of the movie: You have a family on vacation, who get lost and wind up at "The Masters" house in nowheresville, and Mike, knucklehead that he is, insists that he, his wife, and daughter spend the night. You have Torgo, some kind of man-goat who walks and acts like he's had one too many and fondles women who takes care of the place while the "Master" is away, and don't forget "The Master"; who is supposed to be some kind of menacing evil priest but comes across as a laughing hyena. Throw in 5 or 6 nubile women in nightgowns claiming to be "The Masters" wives; all they do is argue and wrestle each other. Watch ONLY with Joel and the 'bots, It's one of their best efforts.
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