Bad, yet entertaining
19 January 2004
"Valley of the Dolls" is one of the best bad movies of the sixties, very entertaining in parts, and with a great score (which was nominated for an Academy Award back in 1968).

I think the weak acting was a result of Mark Robson's careless direction. The three leads, Parkis, Duke, and Tate, have all their bright moments in this movie, but they're just MOMENTS. Any of their characters are convincing, but at least poor Tate does a fair job (considered her lack of experience) as Jennifer, the film's most sympathetic character. It's Miss Hayward's performance, though, that steals the movie.

Otherwise this movie has a ridiculous story, a more-than-questionable message, trashy-looking sets, unintentional laughs, bad dialogues and pretty much the worst photography I've ever seen in a major Hollywood movie (it makes any daily soap look like a piece of art!).
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