It ain't what it used to be
19 August 2000
I was 13 when this movie came out in Quebec. Everybody's was talkin' about it, having great fun relating their favorite gags. My father, brother, cousin, etc. everybody's having fun! But I was too young to see it, because it had nude sequences and it was a 18 years old + movie. Many years after, I saw it on TV. Gee... This is simply awful! And I don't say it because the sexy gags - very boring, in fact - are now very very old, but just because it is a cheap movie. If I was 18 in 1970, I'm sure that I also juge it awful. In a sociological point of view, I can understand why people of 1970's Quebec love it: they have a chance to see naked women. Gabba gabba hey! We just came out of years and years of catholic power over our lives and Deux Femmes en Or was surely a way to say enough is enough. Despite that, it was, and it is a very weak movie, and a technical atrocity. Good theme song by Robert Charlebois. I think that's all left from this mess.
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