So bad, it's great!
4 February 2002
Oh, this film is horrible, make no mistake about it. The reason I gave it a 7 is because it's so bad as a straight-faced movie that it's an A+ as garbage! This film is really really bad, I don't have to tell you that. But if you are looking for a few hours of "oh my God, I can't believe they made this", it's not bad. MST3K spoofed it awhile back, and it's one of their better episodes. And, get this -- I knew Susan Kiger (AKA - the singer)! She is still hot, and a very sweet person. I was watching the MST3K version one day, and realized -- OHMYGOD, I know her! I brought it up to her, and she laughed and was shocked that I knew the movie. I gave her a copy of the MST3k version (funny, since they rip on her pretty harshly), and she loved it! What a good sport!
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