this is movie is deeper than most people make it out to be
13 June 2004
When I first saw this movie I was like many people and didn't understand the concept. However, by the end of the movie I understood fully what the point of the film was. Tim Burton had made a very deep movie. Maybe I didn't pick up his exact point of the movie that he was trying to get across but I have my own opinion. In a world where everyone is normal and there's very unique, people are quick to judge those who are different. Basically, Edward is treated different because of his "handicap" and at times mistreated and used. One character in the movie, was the old man with the prosthetic hip and he says to Edward that you should never let anybody say that you have a handicap. However, this man's opinion changes when he calls Edward a cripple because the rest of the town is made to believe that Edward is evil. Overall, this movie's story or plot doesn't get the credit it deserves.
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