Jacob's Ladder (I) (1990)
Great movie - MAJOR SPOILER !
11 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Warning - big spoiler below !

I've got nothing but praise for this movie. Other reviewers have commented on the intelligent plot and fine acting - I'll just add that the director did an excellent job of building a very creepy, tense atmosphere without resorting to cheap scare tactics (Exorcist III is another film that does this very well).

I have one major problem with the plot, however (big spoiler coming up!). Towards the end, Jacob meets up with a chemist who explains that his platoon was used to field-test an experimental combat drug. Most of the movie later turns out to be a invention of Jacob's dying mind, so the entire chemist sub-plot is simply part of his fantasy. *But* the opening minutes of the movie suggest that the drug was REAL; we see Jacob get bayonetted by an US soldier. So is the BZ drug real or not ? Either way, I don't think the movie is completely consistent.

This question aside, this is well worth seeing. The DVD version is also recommended - it adds some deleted scenes and a director's commentary. 9/10 from me.
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