Review of Unzipped

Unzipped (1995)
A complete waste of film stock
29 February 2000
I was halfway through before I realized that it wasn't a send up of the self-indulgent, artsy documentary that gives film buffs the "nerd" label. Every documentary cliche is used here - grainy B&W film, overexposure, solarization, odd framing, handheld camera - without once adding to the artistic quality of the film. The purpose of any story, true or not, is to make me react in some way to the character(s) presented. At no time in this movie did I care one way or the other what happened next. I kept watching, and watching, and watching, waiting for the punch line that would tie it all together. Like the optimist given the box of horse manure, I kept searching and searching, trying to find a pony in there somewhere. It ain't there.
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