Celtic Pride (1996)
Too American
13 September 2003
A question for all the Americans out there : Do you know who is world snooker champion ? The answer is Mark Williams . I bet you never knew that

Do you see the point I`m making ? No one in America is interested in snooker and I doubt if few people outside America are all that interested in basketball so what`s the chances of a comedy featuring The Boston Celtics becoming an international blockbuster ? CELTIC PRIDE has limited international appeal

As a Scotsman my interest in basketball matches matches my interest in polo ie zero interest , but that shouldn`t stop me from disliking this movie out of hand . The reason I disliked it was almost entirely down to the performances of Daniel Stern and Dan Akroyd whose idea of comedy acting is to pull funny faces , wave their hands around and talk very loudly and very fast . They`re not funny I`m afraid , and I don`t know if it`s the fault of the script or the director but there`s a somewhat episodic feel in locations. I thought most of the movie was going to take place in a basketball court , but it doesn`t . Then action then moves to a nightclub which led me to believe most of the story was going to take place their , but it doesn`t . The action then moves to a kidnappers house which led me to believe the rest of the story was going to take place there , but it doesn`t which had me noticing that the changes in location had a rather strange feel to them . Maybe it`s just me

Don`t watch this unless you`re interested in basketball in general and The Boston Celtics in particular because you`ll find little to enjoy
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