Snapped (1998)
photo-play on words?
8 February 2003
Snapped? Photographed? Pushed beyond the breaking point? Insane? You decide.

This film tells the story of three disaffected youths in the Hamptons. One has a dead –end job in a coffee shop and is on the run after mistakenly stealing a bag of money from a small time criminal. The second is his sometime-girlfriend, a photographer obsessed with dead things. The third is a young man who works in a photo shop (where he steals interesting photos) while he avoids calls from his brother in an asylum and tries to sell the family home.

As the story develops, the viewer keeps thinking, `This is not going to end well.' How it ends would be telling, but the film is consistently interesting and worth the viewing. By the end one cares about the outcomes, seemingly more than the characters involved.
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