Twists and turns make "In the Bedroom" seem like three spectacular films instead of one.
2 October 2002
Truly, this is a sensational film. The story is amazing. the setting is both beautiful and realistic. The acting is phenomenal. Not just because the stars all have incredible performances, but because every character n the movie, no matter how minor or insignificant, is believable. Even the extras in this film can act. Don't be put off by the title, this is not a sex film. In fact there is relatively little or no on screen sex and the language isn't even that bad. However, the emotional depth of the film is way too intense for most young viewers.

"In the Bedroom" begins as what seems a simple yet well acted and interesting Romeo and Juliette type story. Guy loves girl. Girl loves guy. Her ex-husband doesn't love guy. His mother doesn't love girl. Not all that original, but it is so easy to identify with the characters that it's easy to forgive the seemingly simple plot. Then, just as you're beginning to be drawn into the story, BLAM , everything changes. The entire point of the film switches instantaneously. Major characters fade into the background and the story switches focus. Some of the most realistic writing and directing I've ever seen take place in the middle section of this film. Then, just as you think resolution is about to be achieved, the focus swings again and everything changes. Instead of being confusing or irritating, the focus changes are surprising and thought provoking. The film shows life as it really happens, not one problem being resolved at a time and then periods of happily ever after, but as one struggle leading to another and in the end, resolution is hoped for rather than attained.
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