Review of Large

Large (2001)
awe-inspiringly bad
8 June 2002
This film was, quite simply, lowest-common-denominator crap. It was so poorly acted, plotted and constructed that had I been in a cinema I would've walked out - something I have never done. Not much is set in Birmingham, and it's a shame that the little that is, is usually below-par. Here we get to hear a non-stop chorus of fake Brummie accents (which is even more annoying than the real thing, believe me) basically saying not very much. This is a typical Britcom film of the 'Human Traffic' imitation school; aimed at the clubbing generation, it might work after a night drinking, but for anyone else its jokes and gags are woefully unfunny and its plot and characters profoundly uninvolving. Waiting for a bus in the rain is more fun. Avoid, avoid, avoid. Avoid.
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