Mates and Music (1984– )
Gary Wilmot is GOD.
1 May 2003
Where do I start - Gary Wilmot is the most remarkable all round entertainer that lives in Britain today. If it were not for him I would never have joined the circus. He is an inspiration to us all, even after his alleged speeding.

When I contracted meningoccal septicimia I met Gary Wilmot in a dream and he told me that I was going to be fine - he was wearing his Pirates of Penzance outfit.

Mike Reid is quite rubbish though - I mean the glasses, OK, but the mullet as well and the rugby shirts - culturally the guy is all over the place.

Anyone remember Gilbert the Alien - well apparently Gary Wilmot is planning a full length feature documentary on the rise and fall of Gilbert - I mean it has to mention the time that Gilbert "accidentally" placed his hands on Paula Abdul's breasts (true!) and the secret of all that snot that was perpetually dripping away.

Anyway back to Gary. He's the greatest - anyone got a copy of his film Lazarus - contact me if you do.
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