The Village (2004)
its the twists that make the movie (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS)
14 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This film is one of the creepiest I've ever seen. It started out creepy and had you even more freaked by the end. The ending to this film is so twisted it just leaves you wondering if anyone saw it coming. Not to lgoat, but I had a hunch. It's a movie where you must pay attention to every detail, becasue if you don't you won't get the full affect of the film. The film started off slow but it soon got more intense. The acting is very good and the environment can give you chills. I knew many people that said the movie was boring and/or stupid. My belief is that people went to this film to see something thta reminds them of The Ring. In other words a predictable little horror movie. I think the director did a great job.
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