The movie deals about children and adolescent factions in the impoverished Favelas , Rio Janeiro , for 1960 and 1970 years . And it centers upon a teen who tries to leave that world by means of the photography . The final confrontation among the motley gangs for Favelas control is pretty violent and bloody .
In the motion picture there are shocks , emotion , sex , violence and a little bit of social criticism . Runtime film is overlong but it's fast moving and that's why it isn't boring but it results to be enjoyable . The picture is similar other film from 1981 : ¨Pixote¨ (Hector Babenco) that was likeness in atmosphere and showing the delinquent vagrants . It's a thought-provoking and clever studio of juvenile paupers and unflinching remark at the underbelly of Rio Janeiro city , where teens and children become into burglars and assassins . The movie was not actually shot in Cidade De Deus slum as it was too dangerous ; it was shot in a neighbouring , less dangerous área . Principal actors' interpretation is outstanding , in spite of most are newcomers . All of the amateur actors were recruited from Favelas (slums) in Rio de Janeiro, and a couple of them actually lived in the Cidade de Deus (City of God) itself . Fernando Mereilles direction is awesome and stylish , he even has been hired by Hollywood to make lavish films . The motion picture had an Oscar nomination and obtained a lot of success at box office around the world . The movie is produced by Walter Salles , the best director and production manager from Brazil .
The film is rated ¨R¨ for crude murders and sex and isn't apt for boys , only for old people (+18) , neither squeamish. The flick will appeal to social drama and thoughtful films lovers . Rating: 7/10. Well worth watching.
In the motion picture there are shocks , emotion , sex , violence and a little bit of social criticism . Runtime film is overlong but it's fast moving and that's why it isn't boring but it results to be enjoyable . The picture is similar other film from 1981 : ¨Pixote¨ (Hector Babenco) that was likeness in atmosphere and showing the delinquent vagrants . It's a thought-provoking and clever studio of juvenile paupers and unflinching remark at the underbelly of Rio Janeiro city , where teens and children become into burglars and assassins . The movie was not actually shot in Cidade De Deus slum as it was too dangerous ; it was shot in a neighbouring , less dangerous área . Principal actors' interpretation is outstanding , in spite of most are newcomers . All of the amateur actors were recruited from Favelas (slums) in Rio de Janeiro, and a couple of them actually lived in the Cidade de Deus (City of God) itself . Fernando Mereilles direction is awesome and stylish , he even has been hired by Hollywood to make lavish films . The motion picture had an Oscar nomination and obtained a lot of success at box office around the world . The movie is produced by Walter Salles , the best director and production manager from Brazil .
The film is rated ¨R¨ for crude murders and sex and isn't apt for boys , only for old people (+18) , neither squeamish. The flick will appeal to social drama and thoughtful films lovers . Rating: 7/10. Well worth watching.