He's My Girl (1987)
The usual role swap story, but you may tolerate it for TK Carter's performance. (spoilers)
8 January 2005
He' My Girl is yet another one of those role-switching 80s comedies. An aspiring rock stars' manager (Carter) invests his clients money in six hundred entries into a contest whereby the selected winner will win a trip to L.A. for a week. They'll get to meet washed up pop rocker, Simon Sledge. The duo look at the contest as the perfect opportunity to get Brian (the aspiring rocker) recognized since he'll be around all of the industry hot shots. But, the catch is, that the contest requires that the winner bring a date, and the only way Brian's manager will get to go is--you guessed it--by dressing up as a woman.

It's the usual role-switching comedy and follows the same tired story line. The manager is a little too cocky and finds a girlfriend while he's out of disguise. Meanwhile, Brian, too, falls in love. And the two start to find it quite difficult to keep up the charade. The ending was a bit funnier than the rest of the movie, but you've been warned, expect the same old, same old. It even has that peppy 80s intro credits.

But, this comedy is recommended for you if you love performances by TK Carter. If you do, you're in for a real treat since he basically steals the show (what an underrated actor). Other than that, this movie is nothing remotely special.
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