The Fall Guy (2024)
You guys just hate to have fun
16 September 2024
I don't usually write reviews, but I feel like I need to defend this movie from the people writing these reviews that clearly just don't get it. This is one of the most fun, tightly written movies I've seen in a while.

If you're looking for a phenomenally directed action film with great jokes, running gags, and unexpected payoffs, this is it. You can just tell EVERYONE who worked on this movie was putting in 110%.

"The plot doesn't make sense if you think about it" Yeah man, it's an over the top goofy comedy action movie. The plot isn't really the focus. I think it's perfectly servicable for what it's trying to do: take us from setpiece to setpiece, gag to gag with these characters, and watch them grow. That's where the soul of the movie lies. Could the plot have been better? Yeah sure. But the plot is in the background of most of the film. We're intended to be watching these characters and their relationships, laughing at the jokes, and enjoying the excellent action and stunt work.

It really comes down to what you're going into a movie for and what a movie is trying to give. This movie is trying to give you a very funny and action packed 2ish hours with some very likeable characters in engaging situations. It's not The Godfather, and it was never trying to be. Highly recommend.
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