Jack appears to be singing the song, while holding a guitar in hand, while trying to win back the "southern belle" he lost at the Reagle Beagle. Meanwhile it's Larry, in the bushes, who's really singing and pretending to play the guitar.
There was a misunderstanding at the Reagle Beagle when the southern girl (Arabella) Jack was dating left the table to make a phone call. Lily, the waitress, was fooling around and sat on Jack's lap to rest her tired feet. It was all in good fun. ....but Arabella didn't think so when she returned to the table and saw Jack with Lily in his lap. Arabella walked out and dumped Jack.
The rest of the episode is the trio, along with Larry, helping Jack make a plan to win Arabella back. There is some excellent physical comedy with Jack climbing to the 2nd floor of the apartment that he believes Arabella resides in. Jack throws a bouquet of flowers with an invitation for dinner through the window.
The comedic chaos ramps up when Jack opens the door for his romantic evening planned for Arabella. End of spoilers. There are some hilarious bits during this sequence.
There is a nice "Gone With The Wind" reference right before the tag.
So many good episodes from Season 6. I really enjoyed this one.
There was a misunderstanding at the Reagle Beagle when the southern girl (Arabella) Jack was dating left the table to make a phone call. Lily, the waitress, was fooling around and sat on Jack's lap to rest her tired feet. It was all in good fun. ....but Arabella didn't think so when she returned to the table and saw Jack with Lily in his lap. Arabella walked out and dumped Jack.
The rest of the episode is the trio, along with Larry, helping Jack make a plan to win Arabella back. There is some excellent physical comedy with Jack climbing to the 2nd floor of the apartment that he believes Arabella resides in. Jack throws a bouquet of flowers with an invitation for dinner through the window.
The comedic chaos ramps up when Jack opens the door for his romantic evening planned for Arabella. End of spoilers. There are some hilarious bits during this sequence.
There is a nice "Gone With The Wind" reference right before the tag.
So many good episodes from Season 6. I really enjoyed this one.