Laverne & Shirley: Guinea Pigs (1977)
Season 2, Episode 14
The Institute Of Behavioural Sciences
25 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While Shirley is giving Edna a hand to get ready for her date, Edna hands Shirley two passes for a fancy party in return. The tickets are $20 each, which was a lot of money back then.

Laverne has to break it to Shirley they simply can't afford it. Shirley really wants to go to this party and is determined to do so.

They convince Lenny & Squiggy to take them to the unknown place where they make a bit of extra money. They all wind up at "The Institute of Behavioural Sciences". Lenny & Squiggy leave the girls there. Essentially they are Guinea Pigs for experiments in the name of science.

Laverne winds up in a sleep deprivation experiment, while Shirley is sent to an experiment where food is limited but also extremely strange. Anyone for "mud dumplings"? Yikes! The girls did make $50. Enough to go to the upscale cocktail party.

No more spoilers. You'll have to watch the show. This is easily in my personal top 3 episodes for Season Two. Some very funny stuff in this show.
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