Review of Lolita

Lolita (1962)
Kubrick in a subtle mood
30 June 2005
The excellent novel turned into a screenplay by Vladimir Nabokov himself is one of the best movies Kubrick did. Due to censorship some things were let out, the better for it I say. Sue Lyon as Lo leaves nothing to be desired, her confidence and rebellion is convincing. James Mason is perfect as Humbert Humbert, his way of calculating, concealing his intentions and the way he tries to control Lo's life struggles its best with the sympathies you get for his lonely soul.

And Peter Sellers provides the comedic element as well as suspense. When confronting Humbert at the hotel it was almost as tense as when Rugosjin confronted Raskolnikov in 'Crime and Punishment'.

Kubrick shows his mastering of storytelling here. We don't need background on Humbert as we see his intentions in his actions. And what a way to start the movie!
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