Amazing performance by Julie Walters!
10 September 2005
I expected this movie to be good, but it turned out to be great. I loved every minute of it! The main reason I saw this, is because I really love Michael Caine. He's a brilliant actor and I wasn't disappointed by his performance after seeing "Educating Rita". Mostly I was surprised by Julie Walters. She was amazing, just brilliant. I don't know how to describe her performance, but I think she certainly would have deserved the Academy Award.

The story was wonderful as well. Caine was perfectly casted as the drunk, British literature professor. It kind of reminded me of certain roles Anthony Hopkins sometimes plays. Such typical distinguished, British professors who can explain anything except their feelings. It reminded me a little bit of the character Hopkins played in "Shadowlands". Anyway, Caine was great!

Like I already said, I think Julie Walters gave an Oscar-worthy performance as the emancipated and frank, but very likable Rita. Almost unbelievable that she is the same person as the ballet-teacher in "Billy Elliot". I really loved her. Normally I would have given "Educating Rita" an 8,5/10 but because this movie only has an 7.0 on this site, I will give it a 9. It's highly underrated and I can't understand why I didn't get some more appreciation by the IMDb-users.

This movie is a classic! See it! 8,5/10
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