De Klerk and other Actors fantastic!
20 October 2005
Wow! I was so amazed by the poodle from Canada's comments that I decided that I had to comment. I am not usually the type to comment but I felt I had to as I don't think that this person was at the same film . I was blown away by Richard de Klerk's performance. He carried the movie and I am glad to see that I wasn't the only one that thought so, as he got a round of applause for his incredible performance at the fest. I definitely agree that the other performers were good as well. As a person in the industry I went into the theatre fully expecting a stellar directing job from the director of the film as many of the independent films at the fest showed, but I was sadly disappointed. As the end credits began to roll I started to analyze the work and found that really the actors are what made the movie. Had it not been for the talent of Richard de Klerk, Jovanna Huguet, Richard Johnson and Heather Feeney (and yes Colin Lawrence was great too, very sexy!) the film would not have been worth seeing as the directing was clearly not up to snuff and it was up to the actors to make up for it. There were shots that really weren't planned out right and scenes that could have been far better had they been directed differently. I say I hope Richard de Klerk continues to choose roles like this cause not only can he handle it he makes it look stellar!
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