Panic in the Skies (1996 TV Movie)
Compelling viewing
12 January 2006
Definitely a movie to watch but only once. Having just sat through this movie shown as an afternoon matinée on TV, I have never seen a movie as bad as this one. The very idea of pilots being charred by a lightening strike and the aeroplane continuing to fly and be steered by a passenger by sparking wires together is only the beginning of an absurd movie concept. This was supposed to have been events happening on a Boeing 747 but even these giants of the air don't have such high ceilings. I think Make-up got a little carried away with the applying eye shadow around the cock-pit window and missed out the blusher during landing. Acting was average but very little attention had been given to any semblance of reality. Can any budget be justified to make a movie such as this? It was however, a movie of some entertainment value for the goof spotters. Expect a high score here.
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