The Passenger (1975)
who was the girl
14 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you had to see this movie three times to figure it out then you weren't paying attention! I'm astonished at the number of reviewers/posters who did not know who the girl was. Where were you when Locke was checking into the hotel towards the end of the movie, when he is told by the hotel clerk that Mrs Robertson had arrived earlier, and that he (the clerk) doesn't need to see Locke/Robertson's passport because "one is enough"? So "the girl" has shown a passport that identifies her as Mrs. Robertson, thus explaining why she was in London, then Barcelona, and why she behaved so strangely and evasively around Locke, a stranger wearing her husband's clothes (she does not know initially that her husband is dead.) She obviously was trying to figure out what was going on, and was not some "free spirit" who took up with Locke by chance. I saw this movie thirty years ago and I'm very happy to see that it has resurfaced, it is excellent.
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