Review of Hoboken Hollow

Certainly Not For The Faint Of Heart But Very Good
17 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really enjoyed this movie and the fact its based on a true story makes you really feel for the actual people that had to endure this sort of treatment at the real Hoboken Hollow.

Possible Spoilers >

There where a number of bad points and at the beginning it was a little confused and hard to work out who was who and how they where connected but it soon became a bit clearer.

The film isn't scary but it is very uncomfortable to watch with some very nasty scene's and there is little relief or retrebution.

I suppose in that way its fairly depressing but then again it's based on real life and thats pretty depressing sometimes. I think the film makers have succeeded in making a movie that makes you want to know more about the actual event.

The acting is very good although the big names have very limited screen time and i cant help but think they might have done this movie as a favour to get it a bit more exposure. The principal characters are very good and believable and you really hated the villains.

I would have liked to see them get whats coming to them but unfortunately that never really happens that's probably the only bad thing i have to say about the movie.

There has been a few similer Shock/Gory movies released latley such as hostel and saw but to be honest i think this is better than both and a very good horror movie.

I only wish the budget was as high as the fore mentioned movies and maybe this would have been the best horror made in recent years.

Well Recommended to Horror Fans - trust me you will enjoy it.
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