Review of I Not Stupid

I Not Stupid (2002)
Humour, parodies, emotions...Singapore style!
23 May 2006
Being born and bred in Singapore for my entire life, I understand how the main leads in the movie faced because I was once part of the system years ago. I was once in the EM2 stream myself but yet, I so know how it feels.

Imagine facing the prejudice you will get when you are in EM3 here. Although the government had already kind of modified the primary school streaming system here, this movie will always remind us of despite how much many in the world who admire our education system and how we are always among the top for international mathematics and science competitions, there are always things which the students who were once part of the primary school streaming system will not forget.

But, coming back to the movie. Director Jack Neo had certainly strike a chord with the local audiences with this movie. I remembered back then when I first watched the movie when it was released here, it was one of those movies I know I can fully understand at once what it is talking about. The humour, the parodies...all of it really capture the essence of the movie.

When it was being made into a TV drama version, more things were explored. Definitely the one movie that will make the outside world understand about the humanity side of Singapore's education scene more or less.
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