A Subpar Italian Black Comedy - work a look... once.
29 August 2006
One of the only things this movie has in common with other more well-known Italian horror is the over-dubbed dialog track. Other than that, the movie is pretty much a bore-fest, with no real gore aside from Otto preparing cuts of meat.

To make matters worse, the flick is painfully repetitive. We see the main character serving sausage in the park, the Lady who changes in front of her window and the Journalist, usually on some date, then Otto the Butcher brings his cart back home to his shop, he slaps around his Brother-In-Law, then everything starts all over again. This happens about 3 times in the middle of the movie.

I can see this movie providing entertainment when you are having a few drinks with your friends, and you want to watch something just for laughs. Gorehounds, look elsewhere.
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