The Hard Easy (2006)
More f bombs than a prison movie!
7 October 2006
I would have gladly given this movie a solid 7 or 8 but I got sick of the constant f bombs! Every character used the f word repeatedly. Even the female doctor. The story was good, the cast was stellar the plot worked, but the excessive use of the f word made the movie sound and feel silly and childish. Reminded me of middle school kids smoking and cussing at the buss stop. They think it makes them look cool but really it does the opposite. It was over done and it distracted from the movie.

I'm not a prude by the way; I'm a contractor that works with construction guys all around Pearl Harbor! I'm around sailors often enough to know why they coined the phrase "cuss like a sailor" It doesn't bother me to hear the F word. However, I don't hear the f word as much in a month on the job site! If the writer and director talk like this in their professional and personal lives they need to get a little class.

If you don't mind a constant barrage of f bombs then you are going to like this movie. But be warned, if your kids are watching you may need to wash some mouths out with soap before all is said and done.
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