Review of The Sadist

The Sadist (1963)
Well Done Cheapo Terror Flick
28 November 2006
This is one of Arch Hall Jr's no budget wonders. With an unknown cast of five, one desert junkyard location, and a script that could have been written by a ten year old, you would think this movie would fall on it's face. Not a bit.

It is based on the Charles Starkweather murder spree, right down to the psycho girlfriend. Arch Hall Jr even looks a little like Charlie Starkweather without the glasses.

Three nerdy school teachers on their way across the desert to see a baseball game in LA have car trouble. They stop at a remote desert junkyard/repair shop for help only to stumble into a trap. Little do they know that Charlie and Judy are waiting for some unsuspecting victim to stop so they can carjack and kill them.

Arch Hall's performance is really chilling. He seems to relish the pain he causes his victims. The black and white close-ups of his demonic face are terrifying, as is the rest of the camera work. His girlfriend, played by Marilyn Manning has an interesting part. She is dainty and sexy, has no lines, and whispers in his ear through the entire movie, but she is able to project an air of delicious menace. The rest of the cast is incidental, but competent.

I was somewhat familiar with Arch Hall Jr. I'd seen him in something unimpressive before, so I expected a skid row production with some support from Robert F Lyons and Mimsy Farmer maybe. I was shocked by his villainous performance. It reminded, in some ways of Robert Blake in "In Cold Blood". I even shocked myself by giving it an 8/10. It also reminded me to stop being such a snob.
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