Of interest only to Houdini fans
12 January 2007
Much weaker than the more widely seen Houdini movie "The Man From Beyond." In this one, Houdini is a Secret Service agent on the trail of international counterfeiters. Houdini has a star's intensity on the screen, but the story is confused and badly told, and horribly melodramatic. The one escape sequence is reasonably good, but otherwise Houdini mostly delivers dialog or engages in unconvincing fisticuffs with bunches of extras, neither of which show him off to advantage. The film has a rather unpleasant "yellow peril" theme and thuggish Caucasian actors done up in "Chinese" makeup, which is somewhat offset by a heroic Chinese actor in a secondary role.

Rarely screened, not available on video, and thus not easy to see.
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