Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Fool for Love (2000)
Season 5, Episode 7
Is Cecily Adams also Halfrek?
1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Joss and the other creators of BTVS have always been careful with cross-overs and double casting, and as of yet this is the only hitch I have seen in any of Joss's 3 series (BTVS, Angel, and Firefly).

In many later episodes of Buffy we get to meet Halfrek, and old time friend of Anya's from her demon days. Kali Rocha Plays this character and several flashbacks and discussions show that she has been a demon for far longer than Spike has been a vampire. So is it intentional that Kali also plays Cecily Adams in this episode... "Fool for Love"? Was Cecily really Halfrek and just playing with William/Spike's poor fragile heart? Was it a wish she was fulfilling? Or was it just a bit of side amusement to wile away the dull hours? Or was this an accident and/or miscast? I doubt anyone on the cast and crew made a mistake this obvious, or did they think true die-hard fans would somehow miss it with the change in accent, clothing and hair styles of Halfrek and Cecily? I can't help but wonder if anyone else thought of this?


I was watching "Older and Far Away" (The one where Halfrek locks everyone in the house for Buffy's B-Day part as a wish from Dawn) and realized when Halfrek first appears she says "William, is that you" and Buffy says "You guys know each other?" and Halfrek says no... I guess Cecily is Halfrek... so how in the hell did Cecily manage to become a "Justice Demon"?
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