One of the worst films EVER made!
15 February 2007
Tere is truly not one redeemable aspect of this film, despite it's distinctive 80's feel. The acting is dull and the script is even duller.

You wait forever for anything to happen and then nothing really does. You can make a better movie at your home with an old VHS-C cam.

It plays out like a grainy, 80's Lifetime drama movie with barely a conflict or one good use of dialog. for a movie that has so much dialog, it would be nice f it was actually decent. The actresses look about 45 and are about as stilted as can be.

The final 20 minutes bring some very small rays of cheesy light to the proceedings, but very little. Even the finale plays out flat as a pancake, and don't forget the awful final voice over from the actress at the end before...oh, well, you'll be able to predict what happens anyway.
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