Her Painted Hero is a pretty funny outing from Polly Moran for Mack Sennett
30 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first time I've seen a film starring Polly Moran. Boy, what expressions she has on her, sort of a Carol Burnett quality to her face and body. In a nutshell, she stands to inherit some money after her uncle dies. When some members of a theatre nearby read about this, they, formally having rejected her, now rush to ask for her hand. She, instead, pines for the leading man of the play which she offers to back if he'll make her his leading lady. He does which he might have regretted since she causes many disasters to happen during performance...Plenty of slapstick fights happen during the party of men all there to ask for Polly's hand but the real laughs are during the play where the props fall down and Polly herself ends up literally hanging by a curtain! Well worth seeing for that alone. This was another pretty funny outing from Mack Sennett.
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