One of the worst movies I've ever seen
15 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After a long hideous week at the office, I went to my friend's house for dinner on a Friday night, looking forward to a relaxing night of good friends and good food. She told me she'd rented a couple movies. I'd seen the other one, so we decided to watch Flannel Pajamas. Two hours later, we had to deal with the sad fact that we'd just wasted those 2 precious hours of our lives. This film is badly acted, even more badly written, and badly directed. The movie opens awkwardly--Stuart and Nicole are set up on a double date and fall in love "instantly." Stuart's dialog in this scene is incredibly corny and unrealistic. I turned to my friend and said, "If a guy said this stuff to me on our first date, I'd start looking around for the candid camera." But Nicole seems to lap it up. Later on, as their relationship is just starting to form, she accepts $15,000 from him to pay off her student loans after he offered it in the smarmiest and most condescending way possible. It was just utterly unbelievable, and the acting and writing of the romantic/sex scenes is so awkward that it makes for truly bizarre viewing experience.

The sex scenes are almost comical in their gratuitous explicitness (is that a word? you know what I mean.) It was definitely nudity for nudity's sake, and the two leads have no chemistry, so the scenes were completely, completely unerotic. After a while, it got to be so much that my friends and I started playing a drinking game -- a shot of tequila for every body part. The sex scenes abruptly stop when they get married (you know, because when you get married, you just stop having sex and life turns into an episode of thirty-something), which was lucky for us, or else I might have been very hung over this morning.

Horrible movie. I felt sorry for all involved. And yet, they have only themselves to blame. If you're looking for a romantic comedy to cozy up to on a quiet night, almost anything else would be better than this, I'm sorry to say.
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