An unbiased account of the events that caused the Hungarian Revolution and the impact it made on the world.
18 November 2007
From the fascinating historical approach, using heretofore non-public original footage films, interviews with actual participants in the Revolution, public figures who were involved in the decisions which brought about the Revolution to the storyline which brought the modern day viewer into a 50 year time warp, this documentary kept my attention and brought forth tears of empathy with the parties involved. This film should be a "must see" for students and politicians as well as the general public. It depicts so many areas in which our modern decisions are repeating the errors of the past without the film taking a political position. It was refreshing to learn that although it took 33 more years for freedom to reign, the dedication to freedom set in motion by the Hungarian Freedom Fighters brought about a call for freedom from dictatorships throughout Europe. I highly recommend this film.
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