An important film on a pivotal chapter of the European history!
27 November 2007
Kladia Kovacs' documentary is a testament to those who fought for the principles of freedom from tyranny. That is why this film is so relevant and poignant today. The lessons learned by revolutions are often painful but necessary ones, and that is what is conveyed in "Torn from the Flag". What I enjoyed about this film were the interviews with both the veterans of the revolution and those working for the Soviet side. These interviews are inter-cut with images and footages of the actual events making for a nicely balanced and well edited piece of film making: objective yet personal.

The 1956 Hungarian revolution may not be discussed much in American history classes and schools, but if anything the event played a pivotal role in changing the course of the history of a nation, its people and some may say a continent. And this is what the documentary so deftly portrays. Kudos!
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