The X-Files: Irresistible (1995)
Season 2, Episode 13
This is a case that actually happens in real life
23 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
By the time this episode ended, the X-Files had truly established how utterly brilliant it could get and why it was going to become one of the most well-known shows of all time.

This episode was both extremely emotional and very disturbing. Probably the second most disturbing episode of the show besides Season 4's 'Home'.

What makes this episode so unique is the realness of the case. I know that Donnie isn't exactly 'normal', I mean, a couple of people saw his demon face in this episode. But even so, this is a case that actually happens in real life.

Although it's not the most perfect episode, it is my favorite so far. Gillian did a truly magnificent job showing the Scully character at her most vulnerable. The final scene was just beautiful.

FIVE stars for sure.
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