The Naked Civil Servant (1975 TV Movie)
A very inspiring & enjoyable film
5 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film was made from the autobiography of a man who spent more than fifty years battling for his individuality and right to be treated as any other human being. Though the story to be about an effeminate homosexual it provides inspiration for anyone willing to stand outside the crowd and not be beaten into conforming to the norm.

Quentin Crisp is a homosexual who stands up in a deeply homophobic society and shouts 'There is nothing wrong with me and you'll have to learn to accept the fact that we exist'. The film vividly portrays the shock & disgust felt by the vast majority to homosexuality during this period. One telling scene shows how fellow homosexuals, rather than support him, reject him in fear of being outed themselves.

The film shows how he built psychological barriers between himself and the world in order to protect himself and how these barriers enforced his isolation. Even the credits reinforce his isolated existence by listing only the central characters personal name. Even his closest friends are referred to merely as the 'Art Student' & the 'Ballet Teacher'. This film shows a man who lived out such an isolated existence that, though of a very generous caring nature, he was unable to feel love himself. How on the one occasion that his dream partner appeared and offered love, Crisp was unable to recognise & accept it.

There is sadness in the fact that, at that time of release, society had accepted and adopted his means of display while still rejecting his core message. We know, with hindsight, that society has come, largely, to accept homosexuals as normal people but the film shows that during the late 70s queer-bashing still went on while people dressed in a style previously regarded as effeminate.

Joy is to be taken from this film in that Crisps crusade was certainly not in vain, his stance paid off eventually. This film played a large part in British society accepting gays as okay people. For this reason I believe this film as, possibly, one of the 100 most significant films of the 20th century in the way it made us look at an oppressed minority in a new light.

The final scene summarises Crisps life well. This is where the well known 'Stately Homos of England' speech is given followed by his walking off up with head held high but isolated from everyone else in the park. Thus showing how strong his lifelong stance has made him while showing the terrible personal cost of this strength.

The above may make the film sound harsh & gritty but it is actually shot in a very colourful & entertaining manner. John Hurt gives an excellent performance which I am certain would have had him up for an Oscar had the film been made in Hollywood. Crisp later became recognised as a great wit & raconteur and this is reflected in his lines in this film. There are so many strong lines and witticisms that to put them on this articles 'Quotes' page would mean that a significant part of the script would end up there.

Though 'The Naked Civil Servant' has done its job in opening up our minds & attitudes it shouldn't be written off as it so entertaining while reminding us what life is like for our social outcasts. You can watch it and learn, or you can watch it and just enjoy it. It works extremely well both ways.
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