Review of Watchmen

Watchmen (2009)
6 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting this movie for 15 years, since i read for the first time the comic - i hate this new, and pedantic, denomination, graphic novel-, and i've tried to see it like if i didn't know nothing about the story. I enjoyed very much the two previous Snyder movies. Alan Moore is god in comic world as Jon Osterman is god in Watchmen world. I don't dislike Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel or Leonard Cohen. Even i think that Patrick Wilson, Billy Crudup, Malin Akerman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Carla Gugino are competent players - Jackie Earle Haley is so over all of them, like to compare Albert Einstein with a Science High School teacher. Perhaps that's cause i was so disappointed during all the projection, and so void at the end.

1.- There's no narrative pulse. No energy. No life in the "mise en scéne". Perhaps cause the extreme fidelity with the original. 2.- And the point 1 is the reason that makes you feel the movie is too long (and it's so long) 3.- There's the worst songs selection in whole cinema history. Not for the songs themselves -all great songs-, but for the use of them. Specially erroneous the combination of cemetery scene/Sounds of silence, and Dr. Manhattan-Vietnam scene/Wagner Walkirye cliché. 4.- Matthew Goode IS NOT Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias, period. 5.- The living muppet playing Nixon/The Elephant Man.

Sure there are reasons to see the movie:

1.-Jackie Earle Haley 2.-Great Special effects (not Bubastis, the cat genetically modified) 3.-Jackie Earle Haley 4.-The marvelous opening credits. 5.-Rorschach...i mean, Jackie Earle Haley. 6.-To have your own experience and opinion.

Perhaps the kingdom of Moore it's comics and not cinema -except V for Vendetta, do you know... From hell, The League of extraordinary gentlemen, Watchmen,...period?

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