Cinemania (2002)
Upsetting, Pathetic, Crazy, & Sad all at once,
11 July 2009
I consider myself a huge film buff. I have played for @ least a decade & am ranked #135 Lifetime to Date, so I know movies & actors extremely well. Saying that, these people (especially the woman) are no longer film buffs, they are in a whole different extremely unhealthy category. What's infuriating to me is that all of these people are a drain on society. None of them serve any sort of purpose & they all collect disability. How that is possible when there are other more deserving actually handicapped whether physical or mental & are constantly denied makes it all the worse. The film isn't bad but it's not really good either. What's sad is that these people are completely consumed by watching movies. I watch at least 1 or 2 a night before going to sleep, but I don't come close to letting it run my life like these people. What's even more sad then just about anything is just how out of touch w/reality all these people are. I would bet that all of these people have some undiagnosed & yes diagnosed OCD & some other personality disorders because these people are off. Just like their is rehab for drug addicts, these people all need rehab from movies. This is really only for the hardcore fans as most will see 5 minutes say to themselves these people are crazy & turn it off.
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