Hot Fuzz (2007)
Most unexpectedly hysterical.
22 September 2009
What I think: Simon Pegg is a funny guy. I find him funny even he is trying to be serious. Well, I guess thats what the director was aiming for. Hot fuzz is hilarious. Simon Pegg and Nick frost together form a lethal funny combination. Edgar Wright popular for his offbeat story lines does it again. The story is different, but that doesn't matter. The movie is out and out Pegg and Frost. The cinematography is gives you the feeling of a fast paced action-thriller and Pegg and Frost make it the parody that it is.Put the three guys (Wright, Frost and Pegg) together and you get madness. Well that's what the movie is. Appears to be the perfect blend of action, suspense, comedy and thrill. Most unexpectedly hysterical.
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