Review of B-Girl

B-Girl (2009)
Found it on cable, thought it would be average, was very pleasantly surprised !
3 November 2009
You know the situation : It's school holidays - no films for adults around, it's all kids stuff, and you find an odd film called B-GIRL on Cable. No other choice around at this time so you go for it thinking : "it will pass the time".

Well, after 5 minutes I didn't think I'd see the end of this film, after 15 minutes there was no way I was going to bed without seeing the entire film. It leaves you with a smile on your face, a warm feeling, you talk about it with your partner and then you hit the net to read more about it because .... you've enjoyed it ! In the end I loved this film, and the last 10 minutes are just ..... F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C !
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