From the "Something Boring" part of the "Something Weird" vault...
18 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In the realm of "S-M"/"B & D" (i.e. women getting physically restrained and then usually abused in various ways) this can be viewed as a kind of "missing link" between the Irving Klaw/Bettie Page classics of the early to mid 1950's and the gems from House of Milan/TAO in the 1970's and 1980's (the latter still being regarded by yours truly as the exemplar of the genre). Apparently it's part three of a trilogy, but I've just seen the one (which probably won't change). As you probably already know, the alleged story concerns a crime boss named Olga who spends most of her time punishing various female subordinates for various off-screen infractions. It upholds the John Willie/Eneg tradition of the all-female universe, although we do briefly see a couple of quasi-gay male characters, one of whom wears a ship captain's hat and smokes a big cigar---overcompensation? Even by Z-grade budget standards, the faked nature of the abuse performed by Olga is pretty laughable; I especially enjoyed the pulled punches/slaps. (How hard would it have been for the director to have Olga put her hand next to the victim's face, yank it back suddenly, then show that particular footage in reverse?) The "electric chair" also stands out (or sits) in that regard. The reason I give it 2 stars instead of just 1 is due to a few aesthetically pleasing elements; the cinematography is gorgeous old-school black and white (not like today's occasional black and white efforts that look like crap); the outdoor shots of upstate New York are a nice relief from the largely bare-walled interior scenes (it's a nice touch having Olga's hide-out be an abandoned mine, although clearly the rooms seen aren't in a mine); there's a long (and blessedly dialog-free) sequence of one of the victims getting chased through the countryside that almost achieves a kind of pastoral quality, reminiscent of the silent era; most of the women are fairly easy on the eye, especially Olga (who by the way is clearly American despite her foreign-sounding name). Late in the going we see Olga let her hair down and start to undress as she gets ready for bed; unfortunately no auto-eroticism ensues (well it was still 1964 and all that). There's also a scene of some amateurish belly dancing tossed in, for fans of that particular activity. If you're a male who will be watching this for masturbatory purposes (I don't know who else would be watching it, or why else) I would suggest turning the volume all the way down and playing your own "stroke music" on your CD player or whatever you have, unless you're heavily into "Night on Bald Mountain" (and other old library tunes) and lots of self-satirizingly earnest narration a la Walter Winchell on "The Untouchables," e.g. "Olga was now about to achieve a new level of sadism," pronounced "sad-dism." (That line's probably not verbatim, but you get the idea.) Even on just a technical bondage level it's pretty lame (aside from the lady in the strait-jacket with the blindfold and ball gag); soap operas do a more convincing job of binding & gagging. Here's the "spoiler" part: eventually one of the victims becomes Olga's partner ---but do any nice lesbian antics ensue? No way, Jose--bottom line, it's a pretty bare-bones 70 minutes; even describing the "tortures" would make them sound more interesting than they actually play out, one reason I haven't done so...
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