Masterpiece: The Merchant of Venice (2001)
Season 31, Episode 1
a triangle - spoiler (does anyone not know the plot, though?)
2 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Merchant of Venice is not one of my favorite Shakespeare plays. Shakespeare was a man of his time and during his time anti-Semitism was unquestionably accepted as right and moral. Shylock must needs be "have his comeuppance". It was unthinkable even to Shakespeare to have Shylock prevail at the end. Goodman, however, is wonderful. I especially loved one scene where Basanio, Portia and Shylock are fighting each other - the queer, the woman and the Jew going after each other instead of going after straight Christian men who are oppressing them all. Some things don't change. I love David Bamber in everything he does - he still sticks in my head as the oiliest Mr. Collins in the classic 1995 Pride and Prejudice.
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