The X-Files: Irresistible (1995)
Season 2, Episode 13
Move along, people, no x-file to see here.
25 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing paranormal in this terrible episode. (I couldn't believe the reviews on here!) Skully is totally out of character, and there are gaping wide plot holes. How did an unarmed foe capture an armed and trained FBI agent, after ramming her car??? That is totally skipped over, because we know she'd defend herself. Instead she is portrayed as this total WIMP throughout this episode. Why? So she can be saved by the other good guys? and be seen as having to rely on them, rather than be independent? The set up is so blatant, that it had me shouting at the screen! WTF! (Thank GOD the next episode is about devil worship! phew! (I had to check to make sure this was not a trend)... but this episode sucked!) Most episodes have Skully digging up dead people, and performing autopsies. That's her job. Suddenly she is portrayed as cringing over dead bodies? its ridiculous! If she can't handle it, it's time to call it quits, and get another job. It seems the writers wanted the audience to think she's suddenly so SENSITIVE, in order to excuse her getting caught by the bad guy. It just makes it seem like she's been sniffing some of her own chemicals, and is seeing things! (They COULD have come up with that angle, the killer uses some chemical to spray at his victims, (a-la Batman's Scarecrow), so much potential for including scary scenes she's see... but no. Nothing supernatural about this episode at all, and some scenes remind one of Silence of the Lambs. She SHOULD have shot the bad guy, but for some reason, she had to be saved by the cavalry, who stumble in, falling over themselves, at the last moment. Why did the gun fly out of her hand, again? Was it so she wouldn't be a "killer". Now THAT would be cause for Skully to have a "breakdown", but they may want to save that for later... but not over someone's dead fingernails! Get real! She's been digging up half decomposed stiffs the whole time. That's her job! This episode also comes across as overly preachy. Just missing an After School Special: "What have we learned today?" summary. Skully falling into Moulder's arms at the end was so CONTRIVED, and like the whole episode was building up to that, that it was a total anticlimax, instead of being the tender moment it was supposed to be. Ugh.
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