Train Edison Style
18 August 2010
Going Through the Tunnel (1898)

One of the best known movies from the early days of cinema was THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY and what's so funny is that the film really broke down so many doors for what was to follow. What most people might not know is that earlier films featured trains and apparently movie goers of the day really loved them because there were so many made by so many different studios. This Edison film was a part of their Souther Pacific Company Series and runs just under 50-seconds. The film shows a train going through a tunnel, coming out and then heading across a bridge. Yes, that's pretty much all there is to see here but fans of early cinema will love it because not only do we get to see the old train but it gives us other glimpses into what life was like in 1898. We get to see some old clothing as well as the environment that was filmed over a hundred years ago. Those who don't enjoy these types of films certainly won't have their opinions change by watching this but if you enjoy this type of thing then this one here is a real joy.
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