The movie is about 2 children, need of money to fulfill their dreams and works illegally, after being in jail..they get to know how to live the life in this cruel world.
26 November 2010
The movie is about 2 children, need of money to fulfill their dreams and works illegally, but anyhow they get arrested for a crime and then moved to a jail.the time they spend in jail and the treatment they get, makes them hard and tough for the outer world, and with feeling of revenge and conquering they come out f the jail and live their dreams.Allah ke banday is a great movie to watch, it never lets you lose the interest in the movie at any part. The acting part is done awesome, Both by the child actors as well as the lead actors.New comer farooq(yaqub in the movie)was impressive.It's a movie about Revenge, living your dreams, getting what you want, and gives a message too.Some parts are real slow, but you can pass them on as you are always excited in the movie with the curiosity, what's next.the movie shows some different thinking's of today's youth and the fire of revenge which may lead to do any crime.You almost don't get the expected climax, but every movie have something different. overall, you can watch this one, and you will not get bored!Enjoy.
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